SFMMS PAC is the nonpartisan political action committee of the San Francisco Marin Medical Society. SFMMS PAC’s mission is to support candidates and legislators who understand and embrace SFMMS' philosophy, goals and vision for medicine and health care.
Why Contribute to the SFMMS PAC?
Doctors have never been more vulnerable. Health care in California is highly regulated and legislated. As government and the insurance industry continue their quest to control health care, your clinical autonomy is in jeopardy. Now more than ever, you need to fight to keep medical decisions in your well-trained hands. Medicine continues to face big challenges from budget deficits, implementation of health care reform, and attacks on MICRA and Medi-Cal. At the same time, the health of our community faces multiple risks from the economy, the insurance industry, and the health care delivery system. The voice of medicine must be heard on these issues.
SFMMS PAC is an essential and critical part of SFMMS’ legislative and political advocacy efforts, because it gives physicians a tangible means to support candidates who share our goals at the local and state levels. We are the voice of San Francisco and Marin physicians, and we need your support.
What Does the SFMMS PAC Do?
SFMMS PAC makes direct contributions to pro-medicine candidates seeking election to public offices in San Francisco, Marin, California state legislature, and select statewide offices. But SFMMS PAC activities involve more than just making political contributions to candidates. We strive to educate physicians about the political process, and to help them become effective players in the political arena. SFMMS PAC provides interested members with advice on organizing local events for legislative candidates, and holding meetings with legislators to discuss issues important to San Francisco and Marin physicians. We provide physicians with the tools to get involved in public policy decisions.
How Do I Contribute to the SFMMS PAC?
Take part in our growing advocacy movement and help strengthen our political voice. There are several ways to make a contribution to the SFMMS PAC:
Contributions are not deductible for state or federal income tax purposes.
Please direct inquiries about the SFMMS PAC to info@sfmms.org or contact (415) 561-0850.