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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


SFMS/CMA Responds to Ninth Circuit Ruling Vacating Preliminary Injunction for Reimbursement Rate Cuts

On Thursday, a three judge panel of the California Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued its opinion in CMA et al. v. Douglas et al. The Ninth Circuit panel reversed the district court’s decision and ruled that California can reduce Medi-Cal payments for health care providers by 10%.

SFMS/CMA and DHCS to Present Complimentary December Webinar About "Coordinated Care" Initiative

The California Department of Health Services (DHCS) and the SFMS/CMA are sponsoring a free webinar on the state’s new Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) for dual eligibles—Californians eligible for both Medi-Cal and Medicare. The webinar takes place on December 19, 2012, from 12:15pm to 1:15 pm and is free for all physicians.
