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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


Reminder for Large Practices (100+ Physicians): 10/18 Deadline to Avoid Medicare Payment Cut

Several hundred large group practices are in danger of having all Medicare payments cut by 1% in 2015 unless they act now to sign up for group participation in PQRS. CMS has extended the deadline to register in Administrative Claims from 10/15 to 10/18. AMA and organized medicine are continuing to advocate for a longer extension, but it may not happen due to the government shutdown.

Ready for Version 5010?

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Regional Offices are hosting a series of webinar on Version 5010 for health care providers, clearinghouses, vendors and others. Sign up for a free CMS webinar to learn more about Current Conversion Statistics, Final Preparations for 5010/D.0 Cutover, Operational Concerns, Future of EDI Communications, Resources and Contact Information.
