Keeping You Connected

The SFMMS keeps you up to date on the latest news,
policy developments, and events

San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

Expand Your Referral List with

SFMS physician members: Help expand your patient base and promote your practice with your customizable physician member page on the SFMS website. SFMS makes more than 6,000 referrals each year with our Physician Finder tool.

Highlight your practice by updating your profile today.

Individual SFMS Physician Page

Other new website features include:

  • Advocacy Section with regional, state, and national updates on priority bills and key wins.
  • Online event registration and membership renewal.
  • On-demand member-only resources available for immediate download (e.g., 5010 update, new California law update for physicians, etc.).

Update Your SFMS Member Profile 

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