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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

Press Release: San Francisco Health Care Leaders Urge ‘Yes’ Vote on Proposition 35

As San Francisco faces a deepening health care crisis, local physicians, business leaders, hospitals, dentists, community health centers, emergency responders, and more than 200 hundred organizations are calling on voters to support Proposition 35 on the November ballot. The initiative will address our region’s most urgent health care problems by expanding access to health care and funding California’s Medicaid system (Medi-Cal), which cares for nearly 15 million children, seniors, low-income families and persons with disabilities.

“As a dual practitioner in both medicine and dentistry, I see every day the challenges our patients face in accessing timely care,” said Dennis Song, M.D., DDS, President of the San Francisco Marin Medical Society. “Proposition 35 is essential for ensuring all patients have access to the health services they deserve. I strongly support Prop 35 and encourage Californians to vote YES this fall.” To read the full press release, click HERE.

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