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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


5010 Format Required for Electronic Claims Beginning July 1

The deadline for transitioning electronic transactions to the updated 5010 version of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) transactions standards is July 1, 2012. You will be required to conduct electronic transactions such as claims submissions, eligibility verification, claims status, remittance advice and referral authorizations using the updated transaction standards.

Environmental Chemicals: Large Effects from Low Doses

As research has expanded into the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), it has been shown that they follow the same rules that hormones follow. Unfortunately, this runs counter to the core assumption that forms the basis for all toxicological testing done to establish regulatory standards: High-dose testing will be informative about low-dose impacts.

Urge Your Legislators to Stop Forcing Medicare/Medi-Cal Dual Eligibles Into Managed Care Plans

Due to advocacy on the part of the SFMS, CMA, and other stakeholders, the plan to shift Medicare/Medi-Cal “dual eligibles” into a managed care plan has been delayed. In his 2012 budget, Governor Jerry Brown proposed expanding the four county pilot project statewide. SFMS/CMA need your help to stop this expansion.
