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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog


Kids, Diseases, Vaccinations – And Parental Peer Pressure

In honor of World Immunization Week 2014, SFMS staff member Steve Heilig authored an opinion piece in the San Francisco Chronicle, proposing a new angle on confronting the increasing number of parents who choose not to vaccinate their children. The piece has already spurred much feedback and talk of a pilot project.

SFMS-Sponsored School Vaccine Bill Passes Legislature

The California Senate passed AB 2109, a bill that would require a parent or guardian seeking a personal belief exemption from school immunization requirements to first obtain a document signed by a licensed health care practitioner. AB 2109 was sponsored by SFMS and the CMA, and was authored by Assemblymember Richard Pan, MD.

Bill to Provide Parents Immunization Information to Prevent Outbreaks

Aimed at reducing infectious outbreaks, Dr. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) introduced AB 2109 to provide parents with health information that they can use to help keep their children and other members of the community safe and prevent epidemics like the 2010 pertussis outbreak that caused over 9000 infections, 800 hospitalizations, and ten deaths in California.
