2013 CMS Deadlines and Reporting Periods June 24, 2013 e prescribing, Payment, Physician Resource CMS Deadlines, eRX Incentive, Meaningful Use, PQRS, 2013 CMS deadlines 0 The following calendar summarizes 2013 deadlines and reporting periods for the three main CMS incentive programs: PQRS, EHR Meaningful Use, and the eRx incentives. Click here to view CMS' timelines and decision trees for all three programs. January January 1 – Reporting period begins for: 2013 EHR Incentive Program 2013 PQRS Reporting – required to avoid 2015 PQRS penalties 2013 eRx Program – required to avoid 2014 penalties January 31: Last day to register as group for eRx GPRO option. Last day to report hardship exemptions for 2012 eRx (to avoid 2013 penalties). February February 1 – March 31: Attestation period for registry reporting for 2012 PQRS and eRx participation. Exact deadline depends on specific registry. January 1 – February 28: Attestation period for EHR-Direct and EHR Data-Submission Vendors for 2012 PQRS and eRx participation. February 28: Last day to register and attest for the 2012 EHR Incentive program. May CMS released the list of approved registries for PQRS reporting, including which offer the oncology measure group. June June 30: Last day of initial 6 month reporting period for the eRx incentive program. EPs need to have reported at least 10 instances of eRx to avoid the 2014 financial penalities under the eRx incentive program. Those who successfully participated in 2012, or who apply for a hardship exemption, can ignore this deadline. Last day to report hardship exemptions to avoid the 2014 financial penalties for not participating in the eRx incentive program. There are six total exemptions (see post below); providers will need to actively apply to four of the exemptions. July July 1: Special, registry-only reporting period begins for 2013 PQRS reporting. Only those reporting via registry have the option to report from July 1 to December 31. October October 3: Last day to begin reporting for Stage 1 EHR Incentive Program, for those who are in the first year of participation. October 15: Last day to self-nominate as a group for 2013 PQRS GRPO reporting option. A group, for 2013, is defined by two or more providers reporting under one Tax Identification Number. For practices of 100+ eligible professionals (which are subject to VBM), this is last day to self-nominate for 2013 PQRS GRPO, select reporting method, and decide whether to elect the quality-tiering approach for VBM calculation. Last day to elect administrative claims-based reporting mechanism for 2013 PQRS to avoid 2015 payment adjustment. December December 31: Measurement period ends for 2013 PQRS, EHR Meaningful Use, and e-Rx incentive programs. However, note that eligible professionals can attest to their participation for these programs in early 2014. For instance: Claims-based reporting for PQRS and e-Rx claims, which are processed by the Carrier or A/B MAC, must reach the national Medicare claims system data warehouse by February 28, 2014. Last day to attest for the 2013 EHR Incentive Program is February 28, 2014. Registry reporting for PQRS and e-Rx can extend until March 2014 (the cut off date for submission is registry-specific). Comments are closed.