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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

Webinar on New School Vaccination Law - October 28

The California Immunization Coalition is hosting a free webinar on the new immunization law (SB 277) for California children in childcare and schools.

The one-hour webinar will cover the impact of SB 277 on medical practices and schools, the process for determining medical exemption from vaccinations, and available resources to educate parents and providers about SB 277.

New School Rules: What Providers and Parents Need to Know
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
12 pm – 1:00 pm

Presenters include Randy Bergen, MD, a general pediatrician and an infectious disease consultant for Kaiser Permanente, Walnut Creek; Scott Clark, associate director of the California Medical Association (CMA) Center for Medical and Regulatory Policy; and Catherine Martin, executive director of the California Immunization Coalition.

Click here to register for the free webinar.

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