2019-20 CalMedForce Grant Application Cycle Now Open! October 8, 2019 Uncategorized 0 Mission Statement: Physicians for a Healthy California’s CalMedForce program is committed to growing a diverse physician workforce by supporting, incentivizing and expanding graduate medical education in California. Our goal is to grow and strengthen the physician pipeline to meet the demands of California’s growing patient population, with a focus on medically-underserved areas and populations. 2019-20 CalMedForce Grant Application Cycle Now Open! Application Now Open! Click Here. Application Closes – October 28, 2019, 11:59 p.m. (PST) All applications submitted will receive a preliminary score. The preliminary scores will be sent to the primary contact and program director as provided in the application. Applications submitted by October 11, 2019, 11:59 p.m. (PST) will have the opportunity to edit their application, if needed. Early application submission is strongly encouraged. Applications submitted between October 12, 2019 and October 28, 2019 will be considered final, and no supplemental information or changes can be made to the application. The Amount Funded per Specialty for 2019-20: Family Medicine $9.5 million Internal Medicine $7.1 million Obstetrics & Gynecology $7.1 million Pediatrics $7.1 million Emergency Medicine $7.1 million *These funding amounts may vary annually To be eligible to receive funding, at the time of application a training program must meet the following criteria: Located in California Allopathic or Osteopathic Primary care (family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, or pediatrics) or emergency medicine Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or American Osteopathic Association (AOA) on Postdoctoral Training Serving medically underserved populations and areas All residency programs that meet the following criteria above are encouraged to apply. Residency programs that were awarded in the 2018-19 grant cycle are eligible to apply for the 2019-20 cycle. It is advised that programs that are going to apply, gather all the essential information to complete their application. While the application itself is not tedious, allow yourself some time to collect and prepare the information. Some of the information that the grant application may require includes: Knowing your Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) score Structure of the residency program, including the number of residency positions overall and the number of positions for which you are requesting funds ACGME/AOA accreditation letters for both the sponsoring institution and residency program If applicable, information about program graduates, including where they are practicing, in what specialty and in what type of practice from the past three years Details about your patient population payor mixJustification of your funding needs Please share this information with programs and colleagues who may benefit from this funding. Visit our website often for CalMedForce updates or give us a call at (916) 551-2899. If you would like to be added to our distribution list, please email CalMedForce@phcdocs.org with “subscribe” in the subject line. Program Oversight and Governance PHC in partnership with UC developed the Advisory Council and Board to provide expertise and guidance regarding the Prop. 56 funded GME program. The Advisory Council is comprised of 15 organizational subject matter experts that are responsible for advising PHC and the Board on the following: Drafting the application Establishing grant eligibility criteria Developing the scoring criteria Supporting outreach efforts Reviewing applications Recommending funding Developing administrative procedures For more information about the past application cycle and grant recipients, visit the CalMedForce 2018-19 Application Cycle page. Comments are closed.