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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

Action Alert: Protect Health Care and Contact Your Legislator Today!

Members of Congress have returned to Washington, DC for a Lame Duck Session to address the so-called “fiscal cliff” issues as well as the Medicare physician payment cuts. There is also a movement to cut the Medi-Cal physician payment rates to fund the fiscal cliff issues.

Given the enormity of the issues and the number of competing interests in Washington, it is imperative that Congress hear from physicians. 

Before January 12, 2013, Congress must stop the Medicare payment cut of 26.5%, the Medicare Sequestration Budget Cut of 2%, and the proposed Medicaid cuts. SFMS/CMA is also asking Congress to include an update of the California Medicare geographic payment regions in the package. 

Talking Points:

  1. Stop the Medicare Physician Cuts of Nearly 30%
  2. Do Not Cut Medi-Cal to fund the “fiscal cliff”
  3. Update the Medicare payment regions
  4. Protect access to Doctors

Click here to view a detailed talking point list, which can be shared with your Congress representative.

Click here to view a sample letter to members of Congress. 

Please contact Senators Feinstein and Boxer and your Member of Congress today!

Call the AMA Grassroots Hotline (800) 833-6354. Enter your zip code to be automatically be connected to your Representative.


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