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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

New AMA Resource: Addressing Disruptive Physician Behavior

Inappropriate and disruptive behavior on the part of physicians and other hospital staff is more than a teamwork issue; these behaviors also present a serious threat to patient safety and quality of care. Accordingly, physicians and their medical staff organizations must adopt clear guidelines for identifying and fairly addressing inappropriate and disruptive behavior in the hospital setting. 

The AMA has created a new resource to help medical staffs address disruptive physician behavior. Now available in the AMA Education Center, this free 30-minute learning module shows physicians how to define appropriate, inappropriate, and disruptive behavior, presents guidelines for dealing with these behaviors in a fair manner, and provides users with their own downloadable copy of the AMA Model Medical Staff Code of Conduct that they can integrate into their medical staff bylaws.

Protect yourself, your colleagues and your medical staff from communication and behavior misunderstandings. Complete this module and share the code of conduct today. 

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