Practices Encouraged to Take DHCS Medi-Cal Provider Satisfaction Survey August 17, 2016 Medi Cal, Practice Management, Reimbursement DHCS, Medi-Cal 0 The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is conducting a customer service satisfaction survey for Medi-Cal providers. The purpose is to determine the effectiveness of the program's provider relations activities, including the telephone service center, cash control unit, regional representatives, publications and provider seminars/trainings. The survey is completely confidential and anonymous. Your responses to will help Medi-Cal understand how providers can be better supported, and will shape future customer service improvement efforts. DHCS has not asked for this level of feedback in quite some time and it’s critical that physicians that participate in the Medi-Cal fee-for-service program and their staff take the time to participate. We encourage administrators/billers/office staff to separately submit their feedback. This is your opportunity to be heard! The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and will be open until September 6, 2016. Click here to take the survey. Comments are closed.