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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

SFDPH Health Advisory: Ebola Virus Disease

October 3, 2014 (updated from August 6, 2014)

The first case of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) diagnosed in the U.S. was reported to CDC by Dallas County Health and Human Services on September 28, 2014, and laboratory-confirmed by CDC and the Texas Laboratory Response Network laboratory on September 30.

Actions Requested of San Francisco Clinicians

  1. Inquire about a history of travel to Ebola-affected countries (currently Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea) in the 21 days before illness onset in patients presenting with fever or other symptoms consistent with EVD.
  2. Immediately isolate patients who report a travel history to an Ebola-affected country and who are exhibiting symptoms consistent with EVD in a private room with a private bathroom.
  3. If EVD is suspected, implement standard, contact, and droplet precautions (fluid-impermeable gowns, face mask, eye protection, and gloves). Add airborne precautions for aerosol-generating procedures; facilities may wish to add airborne precautions for all suspect cases.
  4. Immediately report suspect EVD cases to SF Department of Public Health Communicable Disease Control Unit (SFDPH CDCU) by phone 24/7 at (415) 554-2830. After hours, follow instructions to page the on-call MD.
  5. Facilitate testing of suspected cases. If testing is indicated, SFDPH CDCU will provide instructions concerning specimen collection and handling, and will arrange for the specimen to be transported in the appropriate shipping category. Do not send specimens directly to CDPH or CDC.

Click here to view the CDC Health Advisory issued on October 2, 2014.

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