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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

SFDPH Health Advisory: Human Infections with Avian Influenza A: H7N9

May 1, 2013 (Revised from April 12, 2013)

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) has updated its interim guidance: 

Antiviral Treatment: Due to the potential severity of illness associated with Avian Influenza A:H7N9 virus infection, CDC now recommends that all confirmed, probable, and suspect cases of Avian Influenza A:H7N9, including outpatients with uncomplicated illness, be treated with neuraminidase inhibitors as early as possible, without waiting for laboratory confirmation of influenza before initiating treatment.

Infection Control Guidance has been updated; Droplet precautions are no longer recommended but Standard, Contact and Airborne precautions should be implemented by health care personnel; suggestions are provided for clinics unable to fully implement Airborne Precautions.

Case Definitions: A definition for Suspect cases (Cases Under investigation) has been added, defining Suspect as patients with influenza-like illness (ILI1) with:

  • Recent contact (within ≤ 10 days of illness onset) with a confirmed or probable case of infection with Avian Influenza A:H7N9 virus; or
  • Recent travel (within ≤ 10 days of illness onset) to a country where human cases of Avian Influenza A:H7N9 virus have been recently detected or where Avian Influenza A:H7N9 viruses are known to be circulating in animals. (As of 4/29/13, those countries are China and Taiwan).

Actions Requested of Clinicians

  1. IMPLEMENT Standard, Contact and Airborne Precautions2, including eye protection and respirators, for health care personnel caring for patients meeting criteria for a Suspect case of Avian influenza A:H7N9. Place a surgical mask on the patient to reduce spread of respiratory secretions and have the patient avoid public settings (e.g., public transportation). Aerosol-generating procedures should be performed only if they are medically necessary and cannot be postponed.
  2. REPORT suspected Avian influenza A:H7N9 in patients who meet the criteria described in the case definition for case under investigation (CUI). Call the SFDPH Communicable Disease Control Unit at (415) 554-2830; after hours, weekends and holidays press “1” and “1” again to page the on call physician.
  3. COLLECT specimens for testing and, after obtaining approval from SFDPH Communicable Disease Control, send specimens to SFDPH Public Health Laboratory per instructions below.
  4. TREAT empirically with neuraminidase influenza antiviral medications (oral oseltamivir or inhaled zanamivir) as soon as possible, without waiting for laboratory confirmation in all patients who meet the case definition for case under investigation, including outpatients with uncomplicated illness.
  5. CONSULT an infectious disease specialist and/or the CDC webpage3 for updated information

Click here to view the SFDPH health advisory on Avian Influenza A: H7N9.

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