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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

SFMMS Monthly Wellness Blog: June is for Joining us in Sustainability and Relaxation

As the SFMMS Wellness Committee continues our monthly blog series, this June, we would like to you join us in resting and sustainability as we enter one of the busiest summers in a long time. Read, listen, and attend the resources the committee has curated below for SFMMS members. If you have questions, comments, or a resource you would like to share, please contact Molly Baldridge, Director of Engagement at 

"Breathe! Take time to laugh. No one will take care of you, except you." - SFMMS Member

June Resources:

Read: A blog by Dr. Jessie Mahoney, SFMMS Wellness Committee Chair, "The More You Do the More You Need to Rest" CLICK HERE

Listen: The Mindful Healers Podcast, "Prioritizing Sustainability Is the Secret to Productivity, Time Management and Achievement" hosted by Dr. Jessie Mahoney and Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang CLICK HERE

Attend: SAVE THE DATE for Mindful Yoga for Healers in Mill Valley on October 15th.  CLICK HERE

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