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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

SFMS & CMA Lead Successful Campaign to Defeat Props 45 & 46

SFMS and CMA have successfully led the campaign to defeat 2 onerous measures that would have negatively impact health care. This has truly been an example of just how much stronger we are when we speak together with one voice to ensure that our patients continue to have access to quality patient care.

Here are the results as of 4:45 a.m. on November 5 from the California Secretary of State’s Office:

PROP 45 – NO: 59.8%, Yes: 40.2%

PROP 46 – NO: 67.1%, Yes: 32.9%



Prop 45 would have given the state insurance commissioner the power to reject health insurance rate hikes for about six million Californians who buy their own policies or who work for small businesses. It had trailed badly all night, as had Prop 46, which would have dramatically altered MICRA by making it easier to file lawsuits against health care providers, increasing health care costs, reducing access to care and ultimately generating more legal fees for lawyers.

Despite the proponents' attempt to confuse voters about Props 45 and 46, the public decisively voiced its desire to preserve MICRA and all of its protections. This win is proof that Californians agree on the importance of access to quality health care across the state and they won't be fooled by political sweeteners.

SFMS and CMA will continue to stay vigilant in our work to ensure physicians remain in control of medicine this year and in years to come. On behalf of the SFMS and our board of directors, we would like to thank our members and all San Franciscans for making these victories possible through your advocacy, contributions, and support through membership in organized medicine!

Click here for more coverage on the election results. 

Click here for a graphical chart of all election results from the LA Times. 

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