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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

SFMS Meets with Local Legislators

SFMS, represented by Drs. Peter Curran, John Maa, Andy Calman, and Edward Melkun, attended a January social event honoring newly elected San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee. SFMS took this opportunity to introduce Mayor Lee to the medical society and our work on public health and access to care issues.

Our physician members were also able to meet with Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, with whom SFMS has partnered on several projects including Hep B Free, and Supervisor Malia Cohen, a collaborator on the AMA-approved SFMS resolution on “crisis pregnancy center” and the (lack of) service it provided. Assessor Phil Ting was also in attendance in support of Mayor Lee.

(Top Left) John Maa, MD with Mayor Ed Lee

(Bottom Left) Edward Melkun, MD, Malia Cohen, and Peter Curran, MD


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